
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Bridging Work

The step-up from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 study is often a challenging one. Over the interim period until year 11 students start their Key Stage 5 study we are providing a number of tasks and activities for them to complete as part of the transition from GCSE to A-Level and Level 3 courses. Students are encouraged to complete the tasks that relate to the subjects that they plan to study from September.

You will find below a list of activities that you can do to bridge the gap between A Level/Level 3 courses and in each subject you are thinking of taking. These activities will keep your mind sharp, keep you thinking about your subjects and help you not to forget the basic concepts already learnt.

Please don’t feel under pressure to attempt every task set, but try and do a little something each week on each subject. If you would like help deciding what to do from the list then do contact:

Mr Martin Young – Head of Sixth Form:


Transition work resources

Click on the following subject links to see the transition work:

A Levels