
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Extra Curricular Activities

Enrichment at Oasis Academy Enfield

On the academic side, we provide space and plenty of teacher help in our homework club, which supports students to get most if not all of their assignments done before they go home. Many subject areas put on revision sessions across all terms to support coursework and exam practice.

Extra-curricular sports utilise the astro pitch, sports hall and dance studio for pleasure as well as formal training for our many sports teams.

The performing arts team are prominent in providing chances to dance, use the radio station and to audition for our annual school production. If students get together and want to start a new club then a Sixth Former is on hand to help facilitate this. Please our enrichment timetable below.

Don't forget to keep an eye on our Hubs page for more information about what is happening at our local Hub!