Cyber Safety
Cyber Safety and Bullying
Dos and Don’ts
DO NOT share private information on the internet.
If you are not sure DO check with your parents/carers before you give out information.
DO use the same rules when you surf the internet as you would walking down a street.
NEVER have face-to-face meetings with anyone you only know online.
Cyber bullying is when one or more people try to tease, harass, threaten or embarrass another person using technology such as mobile phones or the Internet.
What to do if you are being cyberbullied
- Don’t respond - Engaging with a bully only fuels the fire. Plus, any response could be circulated immediately.
- Sign off and block the bully - Get offline, and use your instant messenger’s blocking features. On mobile phones, only answer known numbers.
- Change contact information - If someone is pretending to be your friend, change your passwords. If someone creates false profiles, contact the company that hosts the site and report the cyberbullying.
- Remember do to others as you would have them do unto you
- Save all bullying emails
- Tell a trusted adult
- Ask for help and advice
Internet Safety
To ensure that you remain safe whilst using the internet follow these SMART TIPS
Secret · Always keep your personal details secret – do not give out your login details to anyone!
Meeting · Someone you have contacted over internet chat rooms or social networking sites can be very dangerous and should not to be done.
Accepting · Emails or opening files from people or websites that you do not know could cause problems and get you into trouble – they may contain nasty messages or viruses. If you don’t trust it don’t open it!
Remember · Not everything on the internet is what it may seem. For example, people you meet in chat rooms might be lying about who they are etc., and websites selling things for bargain prices might be fraudulent.
Tell · Your parent/carer or teacher if something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable or worried whilst you have been on the internet.